Unlimited chicken again? Yes! While restaurants that offer unlimited chicken in Cebu are almost in every corner of the city,...
Food is a universal language, and so are drinks, and music! Are you having a get-together with your barkada this...
Seafood in the Philippines is unarguably expensive given that the country is an archipelago. We are surrounded by a large...
Everybody loves to eat. We pay for food even if we break the bank because the experience is very satisfying....
Tagay has always been the Cebuanos’ way of building friendships and getting wasted in the process. Some would prefer a more...
Cebu has so much to offer. Aside from all the white sand beaches, pristine waterfalls and historical attractions, our hometown...
“All you can eat” or “eat all you can”, it really doesn’t matter how you call these feasts but I...
Cebu nowadays has a lot of offerings when it comes to Japanese food. This is especially true when you’re at...
Something about this combo scream holy week. Not that we only eat binignit and biko during lent, it’s just that...
Cebu mangoes are sweet, fleshy and juicy. They are great eaten raw and on its own, but they may be...
Cebu’s food culture is as vibrant as the Sinulog parade. A lot of tourist who visit say that the island...