Grace Bacus – How a house helper graduates as Magna cum Laude

How do you see yourself when you reach the age of thirty? Most would have started building a family or growing a business. But for Grace Labrador Bacus, 30 is the beginning of everything – the fulfillment of a longtime dream.

Born from a poor parents with nine children, Grace grew up as a responsible child who took care for her younger siblings in the absence of their parents, who were busy juggling different jobs – from peddling fruits to working in various construction sites. Many times, the family had to eat rice with salt or coffee as viand as they can’t afford to buy vegetables or meat.

Grace Bacus delivering a speech. From

Grace Bacus delivering a speech. From

Despite of the hardships of going to school without eating, Grace graduated as class valedictorian in grade school. Much struggle was faced when she attended high school. Many times, she had to miss class to attend her younger siblings. She even recalled how her teacher ridiculed and discouraged her to stop going to school, as becoming a nanny does not require any educational achievement. Add to that the usual comments of their neighbors who thought that she’ll just end up getting married at an early age.

Taking into consideration the growing needs of her family, Grace worked as a house helper after graduating high school. Through this, she was able to help in supporting the needs of the family. At 18, she enrolled in dressmaking and went to work as sewer in different garment manufacturing companies.

After one of her siblings graduated in Talisay City College, Grace became more dedicated to succeed. Her initial plan was to earn 72 units of education, which was a requirement for a waitressing job in Canada; however, having been consistently getting good grades in school, she was granted a scholarship which made her abandon her initial plan of working overseas.

Grace continued working as a seamstress on her free time – sewing bed sheets, uniforms, and dresses to support her needs in school and project requirements. Finally, after a decade of all these struggles,       Grace will be graduating this April 8 and would delivering the graduation speech for the class.

At 30, Grace will graduate as Magna cum Laude from her course of Bachelor in Secondary Education major in English in her hometown Talisay City College. All hard work has now been paid off. Truly, age is just a number. If she was able to inspire the netizens of her story, how much more her soon to be students?
