It’s round two of the Ludo Power plant tug-of-war. On the other end of the rope, it’s the residents of Sawang Calero together with the coalition, Cebuanos Against Coal. On the other, it’s Ludo Power Corp. wanting to build a 300-MW coal-fired power plant right in its dissenters’ backyard.
An aerial shot of LUDO Corporation in Barangay Sawang Calero, where a proposed Coal Powered Plant will be place.(CDN PHOTO/FERDINAND EDRALIN)
Round One: Cebuanos Against Coal Wins
Protesters only had a short breather when the Cebu City Council rejected the proposed Ludo and Luym Power Plant sometime April last year. That was round one. Now, the tides have turned much to the dismay of those against the project.
It seems that stakeholders of such a huge project as the Ludo and Luym Power Plant will not stop at going around, under and over every obstacle. The first hurdle was when the Council rejected the proposal in April 2016 saying the plant was “environmentally harmful” and that the proposed location in SRP was not appropriate for the power plant being classified as low intensity industrial (I-1). A power plant needs to be built in a district rated medium or high intensity industrial (I-2).
Round Two: Ludo Power Corp. Wins
Hence, in December 2016, the proponents of the Ludo and Luym Power Plant worked on a resolution for the reclassification of the proposed power plant location. The Council has since approved the request and has referred the same to Cebu City Zoning Board (CCZB) and the City Planning and Development Office (CPDO) for evaluation. The CCZB has already given a thumbs up to the project explaining that after considering the benefits of the proposed power plant, “[the board] is not adverse to granting” the reclassification request.
That said, if this were a sports bout, the score is even at 1:1. Tthe fight continues, and there’s no telling who will win. Even local officials are divided. Mayor Tomas Osmeña has expressed his sentiments about the proposed power plant saying that it would have been okay if it were just a 30 MW plant. He added that a 300 MW power plant is “outrageous”. But then again, LPC is on hot pursuit for the Mayor’s eventual approval.
With all the chaos and noise concerning the Ludo and Luym Power Plant, we would like to dig deeper into the issue and tackle the pros and cons of having such a huge power plant in the middle of a densely populated barangay within a highly developing city. We also like to understand the truth behind “clean coal technology” if there really is such a thing.
Advantages of a Coal-Fired Power Plant
There are always two sides to a coin. In this case, the proposed Ludo and Luym Power Plant in Sawang Calero has advantages. So how can it benefit the city and the people, particularly the immediate residents of the neighborhood?
a. Improved boardwalk covering four barangays priced at P50 million, which will jumpstart or improve cottage and small businesses in the area
b. 10-bed mini hospital, exact location to be determined
c. Fire substation, which is actually quite useful in a neighborhood where fire incident seems to be a common problem
d. Street lighting in four barangays
e. College scholarships to selected residents of four barangays, which Mayor Osmeña suggested to be given to 4,000 scholars each receiving P40,000 per year. LPC, meanwhile, would like to decrease the scholarship grants to accommodate other aforementioned projects.
Disadvantages of a Coal-Fired Power Plant
We’ve omitted on purpose the impact of coal mining to the environment and to the miner’s health. We chose not to discuss this in depth here to focus on the direct effects of the Ludo power plant to the Cebuanos. What we must understand, however, is that we all live in the same planet, where everything is interconnected. We must also understand that some of the damaging effects of human activities are irreversible and chronic. This means that what has been done can’t be undone. And it may remain a problem, and can get worse unless we stop destroying and start caring for our environment.
What is Clean Coal Technology?
That brings us to this debatable topic. Clean coal. Is there such a thing?
One of the arguments raised by LPC and many of its predecessors in the industry is the implementation of clean coal technology. In fact, the Province of Cebu is home to the country’s first commercial clean-coal facility.
Let’s validate this claim.
Coal is the dirtiest of all fossil fuels – that’s how Science: How Stuff Works described it. However, we mine coal because of its many uses – production of plastic, tar, fertilizer, steel, as well as generation of power.
In an article, the National Geographic mentioned that coal provides 40% of the world’s electricity and produces 39% of the world’s carbon dioxide emissions. NatGeo added that not only is coal the dirtiest fossil fuel but also the most lethal, killing thousands of people each year in the mines and others through pollution. NatGeo said that coal can never be clean.
Perhaps our only hope, because we’re too dependent on coal, is to know whether coal can ever be made clean and safe enough.
Clean coal technology is the application of several technologies created to mitigate or reduce the hazards of coal use. Meaning to say, it can only reduce, but not eradicate completely, the harmful effects of coal to the environment.
Clean coal technology’s main aim is to reduce atmospheric impact of coal use, particularly among coal-fired power plants. Sulfur dioxide and nitrogen oxide are the two by-products of coal most notorious for causing acid rain and health hazards. Modern clean coal technology has been developed to effectively reduce to a tolerable minimum the environmental impacts of these two gases.
Therefore to say there is such thing as clean coal is a lie. Clean coal technology is actually a misleading term to label a collection of technologies that doesn’t actually make coal clean, but only a little less dirty. Still, dirty though.
Sad but true: there is no such thing as clean coal. And it may be more appropriate to rename clean coal technology as coal-impact-mitigating technology, although clean coal technology does sound alluring. Misleading but alluring, nonetheless.
At any rate, we should not blame coal or coal-fired power plants for all the bad things that’s happening to our environment. At the personal level, we Cebuanos also have to do our share to show that we’re not just noisy complainers, but that we truly care for our city, our community and our family. After all, it’s quite easy to point the blame at big industries and businesses. But we should use the same standard of scrutiny and ask ourselves these questions:
How about my carbon footprint and my overall environmental impact? How responsible and faithful am in taking care of the world I live in? Do I observe proper disposal of garbage? What can I do to mitigate my impact on the environment? Am I conscious enough to make a difference no matter how small it may be? Or am I merely passing on the blame to others?
Truly, we have tough questions to answer and tougher tasks to do, but it’s always easier to point the finger at someone else. As far as the Ludo power plant is concerned, round three can’t be too far away. While waiting, let’s be intentional of showing we truly care for Mother Nature.