In celebration of the Kalagkalag (All Souls’ Day) and the Year of our Precolonial Ancestors, scholars will trace the ancient myths and folklore in the Visayas.
A group of young people will also portray characters in Visayan mythology and folktales in the “Visayan Mythical Creatures Cosplay Contest”, one of the highlights of the hybrid event, “Di ingon nato! Visayan folklore and mythical creatures in oral tradition”.
This event which recalls how the prehispanic Visayans revered their heroic dead ancestors as anitos will be held on October 30, 2021, 3 p.m. at Palm Grass Hotel.
Dr. Zona Saniel-Amper, professor of the Department of Anthropology, Sociology, and History (DASH) of the University of San Carlos (USC) will elaborate on the anthropological perspective of Visayan folklore and rituals for the supernatural.
Another panelist, University of the Philippines-Los Baños history professor Ruben Jeffrey Asuncion will delve in the Visayan mythology and oral tradition.
To be included in the discussion will be folklore characters such as sigbin, agta, wakwak, udto-udto, unglo, diwata, yawa, Maria Cacao, and others. Rituals associated with the beliefs of supernatural beings will also be tackled.
The cultural heritage event will be broadcast live at the pages of Palm Grass The Cebu Heritage Hotel and partner organizations: the National Historical Commission of the Philippines; National Quincentennial Committee; USC Department of Anthropology, Sociology and History; Culture, Arts and Design Association of the Philippines Inc.; Social Science Society of the Cebu Normal University; Museo Sugbo; Central Visayas Association of Museums; SOAN 2020 Inc; Diyandi Heritage Center; and Queen City Cebu.
Registration is free. Registration form link: