As we approach the end of the decade, it could be a good idea to take stock of your business and determine if this year’s sales goals were met. If not, you still have a few weeks to turn the game around and put in one final push to get your numbers up and reach the finish line. Below, we offer 5 ways to improve your sales before 2020 arrives:
Put Together a Holiday Promotion Plan
The period leading up to Christmas and New Year can be very profitable for your business if you know how to get the most out of it. Filipinos are typically already more inclined to go out and spend during this time to celebrate the holidays, which means that most customers only need a bit of motivation to choose your store and buy your products.
Consider putting together a plan for a holiday promotion. You can offer sales and discounts, giveaways, or even hold contests or a raffle. All of these will surely get customers excited and draw attention to your store. If you choose to go with freebies, pick items that are small and useful that people typically reach for daily, such as stationery, pens, flash drives, or colorful lanyards and ID holders. You can customize these with your company’s branding and turn them into opportunities to expand your reach and raise your brand awareness, too.
Reach Out to Your Customers Using a Variety of Channels
According to Newzoo’s Global Mobile Market Report, there are 47,858,000 smartphone users in the Philippines, translating into about 44.9% of the population. This means that for your business to continue to thrive in the modern age, it should have an online presence. It would also serve you well to cultivate a strong following.
It’s simply not enough to rely on public relations, word of mouth, and traditional advertising platforms such as print, television or radio. You miss out on a goldmine of marketing opportunities if you don’t make use of mailing lists, online ads, and social media. When you do take your business online, be sure that your website is optimized for mobile users. Most people log in and perform transactions from smartphones, tablets, and similar portable devices. A clunky site layout that isn’t mobile-responsive will likely turn these customers off.
Initiate Packages and Bundle Deals
The beauty of packages and bundle deals is that they take the burden of having to choose which products would go well together off of the customer. They can also make consumers feel like they’re getting more for what they paid for, an irresistible quality for the smart shopper. If your business or stock allows for it, you can creatively put items or services that complement each other in a package. As long as they follow a similar or cohesive theme, you should expect them to fly off the shelves.
Establish a Brand Identity
Strong branding creates a memorable impression not just on your existing customer base but also to the general public, and it can attract new patrons to your business. A professionally designed logo, a well-maintained website, and a slick social media presence can give off the impression that you know what you’re about as a company, thus fostering trust and conveying stability. You can set your business apart from others in its category by injecting your brand identity with a unique personality.
Pay Attention to Customer Feedback
Listening to what your customers have to say is so important towards retaining their trust and loyalty and ensuring their continued patronage of your business. One of the biggest mistakes you could make as a company is to become overconfident in your success, thus failing to take constructive criticism that could make your business better. Most consumers nowadays are more concerned with having a good experience over devotion to a single brand. If you fail to take your base’s desires and needs into account, you could find yourself replaced in the new year.
Some of these strategies can still be implemented long after we leave 2019 behind. With them, you can make better business and marketing choices to start 2020 off with a resounding bang.