The University of San Carlos once again leads the universities outside Metro Manila in the World University Ranking powered by Webometrics—the largest academic ranking of Higher Education Institutions
In the January edition of the updated Ranking of Universities, where indicators were obtained most recently to keep the freshness of the data, USC garnered a total of 3952 Web Content Impact (pertaining to the number of external networks linking to the institution’s webpages that has been normalized and then the maximum value is chosen), 3805 in Transparency Rating and Cited Researchers (with citations from Top 310 authors), and 4175 Excellence Ranking (top cited among the number of papers in each of all 27 disciplines of the full database).
Here’s What You Need to Know About Webometrics Ranking of World’s Universities
The Webometrics Ranking of the World’s Universities is annually released and regularly updated by the Cybermetrics Lab, a research group owned by the Consejo Superior de Investigaciones Cientificas (CSIC), the biggest public research body in Spain. Out of over 20,000 universities worldwide, the University of the Philippines ranked 951st while the University of San Carlos is at 3952.
For this year, the official website of the research body eliminated Presence in its indicators; thereby, focusing this time on Visibility (50%), Transparency or Openness (10%), and Excellence or Scholar (40%). The methodology utilized by the site states that it is not a ranking of the websites, but instead a Ranking of Universities based on their webometric and bibliometric indicators.
With so much fake news hovering around the internet, making more and more people gullible to misinformation, the Ranking Web aims to promote Open Access to reliable knowledge, based on academic studies and research, as generated by the top universities around the world. To qualify, universities have to improve their ranking by increasing the quality and quantity of web content.
Webometrics is by far the largest academic ranking of HEIs that offers an independent, objective, free, open scientific exercise that is reliable, multidimensional, updated, and useful every six months. To date, Harvard University is still in the top spot followed by Stanford University (2nd), and Massachusetts Institute of Technology (3rd).
On the other hand, in the Philippines, University of the Philippines Diliman takes the lead, followed by De La Salle University Manila, Ateneo de Manila University, University of Santo Tomas, and University of San Carlos. Another university hailing from Cebu that made it to the list is Cebu Technological University (#11) and Cebu Normal University (#45).
Here’s a quick look at the Top 20 Universities in the Philippines in the World Universities Ranking by Webometrics:
See the complete list of the top universities in the Philippines based on the World’s Universities Ranking by Webometrics here.